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Did you see that coming? ... Yea, I guess you did.
But sure, what the hell. Why not? Tinkering through the Internet as I have for so long has allowed me to figure out how to do so super affordably. Like, completely free. I've learned that "You get what you pay for" absolutely need not apply in the Internet. Still, you'll be your own judge of that. Yea, I could have foresaw I'd someday be teaching others how to build themselves a free (and more importantly, quality) website - just by thinking back to early 2000, when I figured out that if you added /_ht_a/ into your AOL Hometown URL, it simply removed their lame ad banner. But even more than just showing you how to build a great site, for free,
I'm also gonna help you do so, for free. |
See, I work in the Gift Economy (more on that in the FAQ).
Yes, you too can curate a clean, professional, customized website (childhood photos and all),
without ads (like this one), for free.
So let me show you what we can build well together, free, for free.
Yes, you too can curate a clean, professional, customized website (childhood photos and all),
without ads (like this one), for free.
So let me show you what we can build well together, free, for free.
Personal Help Building Your Professional Brand. Name Your Own Price in the Gift Economy.