It's true. I've been making websites since at least the Summer '99, if not earlier.
That's when I started my first job; at age 13, I began what would become 4 years (all throughout high school) at the local Cards & Gifts shop putting newspapers together every Saturday and Sunday mornings at 7am. (I hated missing sleepovers or having to leave Friday night parties early in those later years ... but alas, I did.) [short story about all that] Still, I was too young to be all that tired to go back to sleep and a little too old for Power Rangers and morning cartoons; so when I'd return home an hour later, I'd go online and teach myself to code websites - the old way - with HTML and Microsoft FrontPage. This was back when Yahoo! was king. And my first site, "ArRghhHuably blink-182" was a top hit on their search results for "blink-182." A proud moment, to be sure. This post originally appeared at Welcome back. In Part I, I outlined why you need a website. Now, let’s talk about how inexpensive, easy to make, and maybe even fun making a website can be. Free or, at most, $10 a year and no ads, anyone? "Aren’t websites expensive? And I don't know code." This post originally appeared at Said that too? "But I don't know what I'd put on a website." In this 2 part series, I’ll reinforce why you need a website and how inexpensive, easy to make, and maybe even fun it really is.
$Free.99 or, at most, $10 a year and no ads, anyone? This post originally appeared at Read this absolutely terrific book for free, here (or buy it with Amazon). And the video below is a nice short synopsis. |
Here, I'll muse on some of the goings-on in the Internet, with the Google, and in the Gift Economy. Topics
Personal Help Building Your Professional Brand. Name Your Own Price in the Gift Economy.
December 2014